520 (wǔ èr líng)
Expression meaning 'I love you'
666 (liù liù liù)
Expression meaning 'awesome' or 'excellent'
红温 (hóng wēn)
Expression meaning 'blushing or embarrassed'
xswl (xiào sǐ wǒ le)
Expression meaning 'laughing to death'
nb (niú bī)
Expression meaning 'awesome' or 'great'
nmb (nǐ mā de)
A vulgar expression used to insult someone
sp (sp)
A versatile abbreviation with multiple meanings
tm (tm)
A versatile abbreviation with multiple meanings
舔狗 (tiǎn gǒu)
A derogatory term for someone who excessively flatters or panders to others
傻逼 (shǎ bī)
A derogatory term used to insult someone's intelligence or behavior
cpdd (cì pī dī dī)
An expression used to find a partner or teammate
小红书 (xiǎo hóng shū)
A social media and e-commerce platform
RedNote (Xiǎo Hóng Shū)
A social media and e-commerce platform