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Pinyin: sp

Literal: SP

Chinese Slang Meaning

SP is a common abbreviation used in various contexts, including gaming, technology, and communication. It can stand for 'Skill Point', 'Service Provider', 'Service Pack', and many other terms depending on the context


  • 在游戏中,我攒了很多SP来提升技能

    Zài yóuxì zhōng,wǒ zǎn le hěnduō SP lái tíshēng jìnéng

    In the game, I saved a lot of SP to enhance my skills

  • 这家公司的SP服务非常出色

    Zhè jiā gōngsī de SP fúwù fēicháng chūsè

    The SP services of this company are excellent


The abbreviation 'SP' has been used in various fields for a long time. In gaming, it stands for 'Skill Point', which is used to upgrade character skills. In the telecommunications industry, it stands for 'Service Provider', referring to companies that provide value-added services. In software, it can stand for 'Service Pack', which is a collection of updates and fixes for a software program.


SP is widely used in different industries and contexts. In gaming, it is essential for character development. In telecommunications, it is crucial for describing service offerings. In software, it is used to denote updates and enhancements. The specific meaning of SP is determined by the context in which it is used.

Cultural Note

The use of 'SP' as an abbreviation is common in both professional and casual settings. It is important to understand the context to determine its exact meaning. In some cases, it can be used in a technical sense, while in others, it might have a more general or even humorous connotation.