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Pinyin: hóng wēn

Literal: Red Temperature

Chinese Slang Meaning

An expression used to describe someone's face turning red due to embarrassment, anger, or other strong emotions


  • 他一紧张就红温了

    Tā yī jīnzhāng jiù hóng wēn le

    His face turns red when he gets nervous

  • 看到偶像出现,粉丝们红温了

    Kàn dào ǒuxiàng chūxiàn, fěnsī men hóng wēn le

    The fans' faces turned red when they saw their idol


Originated from the game 'League of Legends'. The term refers to the character 'Lanbo' whose skills get enhanced when his temperature gauge reaches 'red temperature'. Later, it was used to describe the player Uzi's face turning red during intense matches, and eventually became a popular internet slang to describe a person's face turning red due to strong emotions.


Commonly used in online gaming communities, live streaming platforms, and social media to describe someone's emotional state, especially when they are embarrassed or angry. It has also been used to describe a situation or event that becomes very popular or heated.

Cultural Note

In Chinese internet slang, '红温' has a humorous and sometimes teasing connotation, different from its literal meaning of a high temperature. It reflects the creativity and humor in expressing emotions online.